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esummary week 1

March 13, 2010

So my push to exercise didn’t go too well this week

It started out with good intentions.

Monday I exercised with my new exercise buddy from work, Katie.  We did the elliptical and then went on to machines.  While we were doin our thing, we were approached by a personal trainer who began to tell us not to use those machines but to do resistance training.  which makes sense.  he of course wanted to sell us sessions…wish I could afford those…but I think I’m going to by a resistance band and research some exercises online.

Tuesday, I went to the gym after work.  Nothing fancy, just the elliptical again.  I started to feel a little sick during my workout so I didn’t do anything else and just headed home.  Then I got sick.  I’m not sure if I accidentally ate gluten or had a stomach flu or what not but I just didn’t feel well.  (not sure if I’ve mentioned having celiac disease and being gluten free…can’t imagine that I haven’t since it’s a huge part of my life)  But, I get a pretty sick when/if I eat gluten (which I never do so it’s always just by accident).  I just have a bad reaction and I have to deal with it…there really isnt’ much I can do.  So the day I get sick I just stick to clear liquids only and try to not throw up.  Then the next day, I’m clear liquids and maybe a liquid (usually a milkshake) if I feel up to it.  Then the day after that….gluten free oatmeal and I take it easy from there.  So Wednesday I didn’t really eat anything but chicken broth and ginger ale.  Thursday I had tea and a chocolate milkshake and Friday I had oatmeal and grilled chicken.  I didn’t exercise but I didn’t really have the energy.  Today I wasn’t feeling up to it either and Sunday is cleaning day so I wont get around to it tomorrow either.  blah.

Here’s to week 2

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